Viscovery offers training to customers upon request. Training often takes the form of pilot projects and is usually for small groups. The training transfers know-how and provides initial software skills to enable the client to perform analytical projects on their own.
Training is performed at Viscovery’s offices or at the client’s site. Attendees are furnished with temporary training licenses for their own notebooks or workstations free of cost.
According to interest, profile and prior collaboration, courses are usually one to three days. Basic knowledge in statistics and data mining is an assumed prerequisite.

Basic training typically includes the following topics:
- Working with Viscovery software, projects and workflows
- Creating analytical data marts
- Data preprocessing and defining key indicators
- Creating a self-organizing map
- Exploration and interpretation of models
- Clustering and profiling
- Creating and applying classifiers
- Completing exercises using sample data
For more information on Viscovery training, contact us at sales@viscovery.net.