New Viscovery SOMine version 5.0 is now available!

[News - Viscovery]

Vienna, March 2008 – Version 5.0 of the proven Viscovery SOMine data-mining tool is now available.

Self-Organizing Maps powered by Viscovery

The data mining vendor Viscovery Software GmbH releases the new and fundamentally extended version 5.0 of its popular Viscovery SOMine data mining tool at particularly attractive conditions.

Exploratory Data Mining with Self-Organizing Maps

Viscovery SOMine is the worldwide leading implementation of data mining based on Self-Organizing Maps combined with statistics. The new and completely re-engineered version of Viscovery SOMine now also offers the proven Viscovery workflow system, which unerringly guides the user to the analysis results.

In addition to comprehensive descriptive statistics, the new version provides principal component analysis, correlation matrices and comprehensive graphical statistics such as histograms, scatter plots and box plots. Direct access to the original data records underlying the Self-Organizing Maps and their complete statistics is provided context sensitive during the analytical workflow and through the visual user interface of Viscovery SOMine.

Free 30-day trial license

Viscovery is offering fully functional 30-day trial licenses at for users to explore the enhancements and capabilities of Viscovery SOMine 5.0 for free.